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Exploring the
Psyche in Cyberspace

Psychotherapy Online
Walter Logeman

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Walter's Notes & Links

Saturday, April 13, 2002

Cliff Bostock - Writings
Hillman Speaks: The topic is depression and the man is confounding
by Cliff Bostock
"This curious habit of exempting certain areas of inquiry from his own method of reversal permeated the weekend. While valorizing shattering, the suffering of depression, he seemed unwilling to look at what mania itself might be asking of value. To my own mind, mania, as a social descriptor, may be telling us we really do need to speed up our attention, that if we live on a dying planet, we need to begin merging our bodies with new forms of technology. It is in media - the internet, the cell phone, the television - that we see the most visible expressions of consciousness speeded to "manic" rates. There was just no opening in Hillman's (anti-technological, anti-speed) cosmology to discuss this in a serious way."

"Indeed, the entire room seemed unwilling to go that way. One man spoke negatively of the way the "window to the world" has been replaced by "Windows '95." It is a great mystery to me how people in archetypal psychology offhandedly dismiss the idea that technology itself might be ensouled, that in a world on the apparent verge of environmental disaster, our survival might well depend on our capacity to take on new forms of embodiment. There has been a lot of (optimistic) writing in recent years about the internet as a group mind that may be the planet's salvation."

A nice essay on depression from yr 2000. This is also a link which in turn links to a lot of writing by Cliff Bostock. Look for his article on Archetypes for example...
[01:11 | wl | permanent link

Friday, April 12, 2002

The Internet Archive: Building an 'Internet Library'

This is so good!

I hope it can last - or will there be some sort of collective memory loss?

[19:29 | wl | permanent link

Audio Online: UCB Speech Archives: Streamed Audio Files, Media Resources Center, UCB

UC Berkeley Lectures and Events (including materials from the UCB Language Center Speech Archives)

A great collection!
[14:50 | wl | permanent link

Aldous Huxley -

The hypnotic, intellectual, satirical, spiritual, and philosophical world of Aldous Huxley.

Brave New World and other works - Extensive information, discussion forum
[13:47 | wl | permanent link

Microsoft Has Shelved Its Internet 'Persona' Service
NY Times egistration req.

Posting something likes this here makes me think: How is this part of exploring Psyberspace?

Freud had the triad of Id, Ego and Superego. Jung also defined/discovered contours of the psyche, the collective unconscious, Self, Shadow, Anima and Animus and of course Persona.

Just the connection with Jung's Persona means the item is of interest. But it goes deeper than that. Just as Persona is a way of describing the structure of the soul or at leasts its contours, .NET fits in somewhere as part of one of the the contours of psyberspace, which have not as far as I know been clearly named/discovered/created.

The passport, virtual ID bots (like Persona) or whatever, present interesting questions: Who owns them and manages them? What will my persistent virtual ID contain - what happens when you finger me? How can that be done? How should it be done on the net? How does my virtual ID relate to me? Is a home page a virtual ID?

And then I think: How does my persona relate to the real me?
[13:07 | wl | permanent link

Thursday, April 11, 2002

Free as in Freedom
Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software

The whole of this book is online.


""If anything deserves a reward, it is social contribution," Stallman wrote. "Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far [sic] as society is free to use the results. If programmers deserve to be rewarded for creating innovative programs, by the same token they deserve to be punished if they restrict the use of these programs."

I like that line from Chapter 7. I think that reward could well come from taxes - more govt payment for free software.

Edit: 20 April 2002

"I really admired the way Richard built up an entire political movement to address an issue of profound personal concern," Sarah said, explaining her attraction to Stallman.

My wife immediately threw back the question: "What was the issue?"

"Crushing loneliness."

Fascinating comment... the idea we do political things for personal reasons. I buy it. I am glad RMS has such a psychologically minded friend - I hope it is working out for them. But there would be an interesting twist to entertain: He had to set up a life of crushing loneliness so that he could fulfil his destiny as a political leader.

[20:11 | wl | permanent link

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Mobilization for Global Justice

I clicked on one of the bubbles in a futurefarmers animation and this is where it took me!
[22:36 | wl | permanent link

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Biographical Sketch of Richard A. Clarke Richard A. Clarke
A Biographical Sketch

[18:23 | wl | permanent link

BBC News | AMERICAS | US names cyber-terrorism czar

"America built cyberspace, and now it must defend cyberspace," Mr Clarke said in accepting his new position."

This is scary language - counter-terrorist measures are mostly scarier than anything terrorists get up to.

Terrorism is scary, but that it may be not the real target here. It may be as in international politics, an excuse for extending superpower domination. The bit if foul jargon: cyber-terrorism does not bode well, despite some o the more reassuring words deeper into the article. In this time of doublespeak terrorist=friend may well be true.

Will he promote secure operating systems or ban them? I have no idea. Perhaps he does know what is what, but then why all the hype?
[17:57 | wl | permanent link

Sunday, April 07, 2002

A Beautiful Mind (2001)

"Plot Outline: John Nash, diagnosed as paranoid-schizophrenic, goes on to win a Nobel Prize for work on game theory."

Warning: Spoilers ahead:

Of course I was entertained. That said, this is the second time in a short time I have seen such a form of inner aggression in the name of a psychological solution on the screen. Fight Club was the other movie - similar in concept.

The characters in John Nash's psyche (as shown in the movie) had little connection with his own history and dynamics. In a way his isolation in the outside world spills into his inner life and in the name of sanity he treats his inner child, except for one parting moment, not unlike his own real son - with neglect.

As a therapist I have worked with people with similar dynamics. It is almost a law of the inner world that these characters have good intentions poorly executed. Role reversal and re-education can make them effective players in the soul.

So, I found it less than satisfying that these potentially interesting and rich aspects of the psyche - the best friend, the inner child, and the great protector were all dismissed as having no value.

It is a folly to interpret the symbolic as literal. Are there hidden codes in magazines? Are they dangerous? Yes. The consumer society promoted in the magazines kills people. He was not so silly really! A case of category confusion.

On the positive side, Nash's solution was far better than the one the psychiatric system was trying to impose. Still, I would have liked to have been his therapist!
[22:25 | wl | permanent link

Personal Non-Fiction

"I write online and I write it in segments. I still believe that there is a new organization for the hypertext narrative. What do you I mean?

"That you can enter this book from any chapter and it will be a new narrative."

[18:03 | wl | permanent link

Psyche and Machine
by Michael Grosso

"Marshall McLuhan once remarked that the telephone may be likened to a form of telepathy. This comparison suggests an interesting question: What, if any, is the relationship between psyche and machine, between powers of the human soul and technology? At first glance, coupling the two seems an unpromising move."

Found this while exploring the notion of an Inner Cyclopedia using search engines - found this with: automobile self dream psyche

[17:27 | wl | permanent link

Doctor Hugo's Fuzzy Dreamz 00 || Museums of the Mind ||

I f this link works it goes to a really nice set of images - sperms seeking out an egg juxtaposed to a pen writing on paper... very dream-like!
[17:10 | wl | permanent link Mailing List Archives

An excellent search engine of the whole mailing list.
[15:08 | wl | permanent link

Walter's Weblog Discussion - Quick Topic

Brand New on this Weblog Today

I have always liked the simplicity of Quick Topic. There is now a link in every item here to a quick topic discussion. So far there is just one thread - and anything and everything goes in that. It is a sort of web forum, but you can sub to it via email!

So have a go - click the discuss link below.
[14:58 | wl | permanent link


"Now lets talk about what I like in a web art piece. I enjoy the sites that have a noticeable narrative going on in them, they seem to have better direction and focus than a lot of the new sites I see out there. Many are too wide open, no focus, which leaves the viewer without direction, lost and aggravated. I don't mean so much direction and focus to the point the piece becomes too predictable and boring, I just mean it is nice to be taken on a journey and seeing inside the artist mind, not just left wondering around not knowing which way to turn, and in the net art space that is easy to do. Interactivity is nice, but too much irritates me, I want to be lured, driven through a piece. Imagery is also a must, words only reminds me I am reading a book. I want to be in a space I am unfamiliar with, but familiar with at the same time. Arguably creating something that hasn't been done before is impossible, but experiencing something I am somewhat familiar with is nice, as long as it is presented in a new or different way."

I think of this site - Psybernet and how it has that focus - it is personal to me and about the psyche in cs. A good combo. Experiential... there is no objective view of the psyche in cs, and so as I am here writing I explore psyberspace, create it with annotations.

I have not quite figgured out who wrote this review. matthewturlington?

[13:57 | wl | permanent link

Net art - Doctor Hugo || Museums of the Mind ||

"In our minds we all have private museums, secret places for our most vivid memories, imagination and dreams."
[13:22 | wl | permanent link

The Austin Chronicle Screens: Information Wants to Be Worthless

"Net types like to catfight about whether blogging is the Way Forward or utter self-indulgence. Since it is almost certainly both at once, blogging is quite the hot topic. So there will be some bloggery debate, with scowling, and finger-wagging, and pepper-gassing. Yes, blogging has its limitations. There isn't much in the way of original content, for instance. Weblogging consists mostly of logging one's websurfing activities, then making sardonic comments about whatever you see. An activity one's admirers find hilarious. Yet admirers rarely pay for this. Except in their admiration."

Little reflexive note here from Bruce Stirling whose article here is quite fun but what's his point? That its hard to make money out there when information wants to be free? How is that for a sardonic remark.
[13:17 | wl | permanent link

Bio / Doctor Hugo

"Since 1995, Doctor Hugo became one of the pioneers in He participated in 1988 at the 'First International Symposium on Electronic Art' (FISEA) in Utrecht. He took part in various projects, including the ALT-X-site 'Being in Cyberspace' and 'Revelation' ISEA 2000, Paris. In the series 'Fuzzy Dreamz' (1998) he transforms his new media experiences into painting and vice versa. His works have been presented in major international exhibitions ranging from Antwerp, Brussels, Basel, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona and Chicago to the Biennale of Venice."

His name popped up in Psyber-L discussion so I made this link... a "blog annotation" of the discussion. This is the sort of thing I imagine Esther Dyson is talking about happening in f2f conferences with wired people... doing it here makes a bit more sense for now.

[12:59 | wl | permanent link

theSpleen - The Whitney & Net Art

"...sitting just a few chairs over from Fry was Josh On, who was silent through most of the discussion, making occasional amusing remarks. Like Valence, On's They Rule engages in illustrating information, however They Rule takes on a proactive, political agenda by mapping the insular world of the wealthy elite. As On states: “They Rule is a political cartoon, a satire that turns data into information… Data should reveal things about people to people.” They Rule allows viewers/users to create “representations of data that are important and pertinent.” The site also invites the user to gather greater information on the distribution of capital from linked web sources."
[12:49 | wl | permanent link

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