Saturday, September 30, 2000

The theatre of The Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus

The theatre of The Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus

[6:39 PM | wl | permalink

Classical Mythology Online - Character Glossary
Asclepius [as-klee'pi-us] (Aesculapius) or Asklepios, "cut up," or "turn round and round"(?) The son of Apollo and Coronis, he was god of medicine and healing, but was raised by the centaur Chiron, who taught him medicine (Pindar, Pythian Odes 3.5-7). He could restore the dead to life, for which offense Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt (Pindar, Pythian Odes 3.54-58; Euripides, Alcestis 3-6; Apollodorus 3.10.4; Hyginus, Fabulae 49; Diodorus Siculus 4.71.2-3). The most famous temple of Asclepius was at Epidaurus. His children included Machaon, Podalirius (Diodorus Siculus 4.71.4), Hygeia (Health), and Panacea (Cure-all). Family Tree 21.
The original Psychodrama stage? This site is great - the family trr thing is very useful.

[5:05 PM | wl | permalink

Friday, September 29, 2000

Macromedia - Press room : Macromedia extends personalization to the inbox with LikeMinds eMail
LikeMinds observes implicit clickstream behavior, purchase history, and explicit form data on the e-merchant’s site. By comparing such behavior with those of previous visitors to the site, LikeMinds accurately predicts the products and content that are of interest to each individual. LikeMinds eMail uses these recommendations to generate scalable, outbound e-mail campaigns that are personalized to each recipient, driving more repeat visits and more satisfied customers
Sounds almost evil, yet this is the I Like This idea we invented and still await the implementaion of.

[3:38 PM | wl | permalink

Bulletin Board Discussions - the Association for the Study of Dreams
Welcome to the Association for the Study of Dreams Bulletin Board. The purpose of this area is to provide an interactive platform for discussing topics in dreams and dreaming through archived (Usenet Newsgroup-like) message boards.

[12:24 AM | wl | permalink

Thursday, September 28, 2000

DistanceLearning A collection of links and commentary to the growing literature on distance learning. Started by DenhamGrey 08/15/1999.

[5:56 PM | wl | permalink

John Herbert - ASD Dream Time - Dreaming in Cyberspace Reflections on Online Dream Groups John W. Herbert, Ph. D.
The advent of global communication via the Internet has brought many changes to the extent to which information can be shared, and it has also changed our sense of community. We are no longer bound by geographical constraints but are linked by communal interests. Electronic communication provides us with many ways with which to share these various interests, and dreamwork has been one area that has proven to be very suitable for this emerging medium.

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National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations (NCATA)
National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations (NCATA) The National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations (NCATA), founded in 1979, is an alliance of professional associations dedicated to the advancement of the arts as therapeutic modalities. NCATA represents over 8000 individual members of six creative arts therapies associations. The creative arts therapies include art therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, psychodrama, and poetry therapy.

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Monday, September 25, 2000

BEHIND THE CURTAIN: a day in the life of webloggers Photos of one day from around the world.

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Credential Check - Apply
We are no longer accepting new applications at this time. Please check back in the future to see when we begin accepting applications again.
I'll have to come back later, or is there another place that does this?

[1:33 AM | wl | permalink

cyber-society-live discussion list
The Cyber-Society-Live mailing list is a moderated discussion list for those who are interested in the interdisciplinary and academic study of Cyber Society in all its manifestations.

[12:20 AM | wl | permalink

Sunday, September 24, 2000

ASD Ethics  -  the Association for the Study of Dreams
The Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Its purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information.

[9:03 PM | wl | permalink
Welcome to! Jabber is an instant messaging System, similar to ICQ or AIM, yet far different. It is open source, absolutely free, simple, fast, extensible, modularized, cross platform, and created with the future in mind. Jabber has been designed from the ground up to serve the needs of the end user, satisfy business demands, and maintain compatibility with other messaging systems.
I like the idea of this Internet messenger tool. I wish there was something like this that repalced egroups. However I have not used it, am about to.

[8:12 PM | wl | permalink

Friday, September 22, 2000

Hermes Guide of Souls by Karl Kerényi

[2:43 PM | wl | permalink

Jung Society of Atlanta - Hermes and the Creation of Space Hermes and the Creation of Space by Murray Stein
The Greek God Who was Hermes? The great 19th century German mythographer, W.H.Roscher, identified Hermes as the wind, subsuming under this basic identity all of his other roles and attributes - Hermes as servant and messenger of the sky god Zeus, Hermes as swift and winged, Hermes as thief and bandit, Hermes as inventor of the pipes and lyre, Hermes as guide of souls and as god of dreams and sleep, Hermes as promoter of fertility among plants and animals and as patron of health, Hermes as god of good fortune, Hermes as patron of traffic and business activities on water and land. Ingeniously, Roscher tied all of these functions to the primitive perception of a wind god. Hermes is like the wind. We can hear Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" as a moving hymn to this god:
O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing...

[9:59 AM | wl | permalink

1996 Conference on Values in Higher Education PEDAGOGY IN POSTMODERN CONTEXT David L. Miller

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Thursday, September 21, 2000

Short Intro Archetypal psychology - Stanley Richards
To have any sense of the depths of the psyche is to grasp how little one knows about oneself. To feel this one must have glimpsed the depths. Archetypal psychology, following Carl Jung, begins with the Socratic grasp of one’s ignorance, not just as an intellectual admission, but as truly standing in awe before the unfathomable caverns of the soul. Dear reader, do not surf on by. Linger a while! As in life, sometimes it is good to pause where one has landed.
Stanley, one of the first people to participate in the Psybernet projects... here on the web!

[11:51 PM | wl | permalink

Wolfgang Giegerich: The Soul's Logical Life Towards a Rigorous Notion of Psychology A preface here and link to where the book can be bought, Amazon seem to be sold out. Here us the amazon blurb:
Editorial Reviews Book Description C.G. Jung's psychology was based on an authentic notion of soul, but this notion was only intuitive, implicit, not conceptually worked out. His followers forfeit his heritage, often turning psychology either into pop psychology or into a scientific, clinical enterprise. It is the merit of James Hillman's archetypal psychology to have brought back the question of soul to psychology. But as 'imaginal' psychology it cannot truly overcome psychology's positivistic, personalistic bias that it set out to overcome. Its "Gods" can be shown to be virtual-reality type gods because it avoids the question of Truth. Through what logically is the movement of an "absolute-negative interiorization", alchemically a "fermenting corruption", and mythologically a Dionysian dismemberment, one has to go beyond the imaginal to a notion of soul as logical life, logical movement. Only then can psychology be freed from its positivism and cease being a subdivision of anthropology, and can the notion of soul be logically released from its attachment to the notion of the human being.

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Archetypal Psychology Home
Welcome... What is now known as the school of 'archetypal psychology' was founded by James Hillman with a number of other Jungians in Zurich in the late 1960's and early 1970's. The school arose in reaction against what they regarded as unnecessarily metaphysical assumptions in Jung and the complacent, rote application of Jungian tenets. Hillman prefers to regard archetypal psychology not as a 'school' but as a 'direction' or an 'approach'. Archetypal psychology is a post-Jungian psychology, a critical elaboration of Jungian theory and practice after Jung.

[11:35 PM | wl | permalink

Spring Journal, begun in 1941 by the Analytical Psychology Club of New York, is the oldest Jungian journal. Twice a year we bring you writings from the likes of James Hillman, Ginette Paris, David L. Miller, Sonu Shamdasani, Charles Boer, Nor Hall, Michael Vannoy Adams, Jay Livernois, and many more of the hottest writers in the field. It is edited by Charles Boer and Jay Livernois.
I could not get into Spring Publications site the other day, finished up ordering an old copy of Spring here - 53 the reality issue. It was here within about 10 days. Service was good!

[11:14 PM | wl | permalink

Talk City Learning Center COURSE DETAILS: Introduction to Film Noir This is an interesting development on the net, one i think is the beggining of something happening that has been trying to happen for a long time. The business model here seems to be able to support free education with professional teachers! This is a course run by Powered on Talk city! Fascinating.

[12:54 PM | wl | permalink

Interview with Josh Duhl
The power of a community environment will eventually replace e-mail as the dominant mode of group communication. In some form, community communication serves a critical function for almost every business, and most major business will make significant investments in community capabilities in Internet, Extranet, and Intranet settings in the next two years.
This is an incredible statement - but true! Thanks to Dan Randow for the reference.

[12:09 AM | wl | permalink

Wednesday, September 20, 2000


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Impression Formation in Cyberspace: Online Expectations and Offline Experiences in Text-based Virtual Communities Good to know about this Journal!

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Tuesday, September 19, 2000

Roadshow Diaries: May 29, 2000 (more)
The new economy is very active in France at the moment. There are many communities developing around the Internet. LinkUAll provides technology for the Net industry: calendars, address books, group messaging, file storage. The important thing is to provide a common platform for the tools so people have a unified set of collaboration tools that can be used separately or together - but organized in terms of activities. If you link people around activities, you can identify who has the right to see what."
Many more gems like this here.

[3:11 PM | wl | permalink

BULFINCH'S MYTHOLOGY: THE AGE OF FABLE OR STORIES OF GODS AND HEROES I have a lavishly illustrated copy of this with an intro by Josheph Campbell, but it is nice to know where this is, easier to quote from.

[2:20 PM | wl | permalink

Unfreezing the Corporate Mind John Seely Brown
If you want to change a corporation, you need to change the conversations happening within it. That was the recommendation from John Seely Brown in his address to Real Time participants. In a good conversation, the whole is more important than the parts, Brown said. A focused conversation is a self-scaffolding structure that has a dynamic aspect to it . Therefore, if you change the conversations of a corporation, you change the corporation. "All learning starts with focused conversations," Brown says. "The only kind of learning you want to think about is collaborative learning. But how do you structure conversations to become self-scaffolding conversations?" Expertise lies as much in the social mind as in the individual mind, Brown said. Knowledge is distributed across people and across artifacts. So the ability to interpret each other -- read what is really happening -- is tacit knowledge possessed by the group as a whole. That knowledge is brought together when groups share tasks over a substantial period of time, he said.
This ofcourse is from the author of The Social Life of Information interesting to discover that he wrote that key article (see below) in the first issue of The Fast Company back in 1995.

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The People Are the Company How to build your company around your people. by John Seely Brown and Estee Solomon Gray illustrations by Alistair Thomas from FC issue -Premiere, page 78

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Communities of Practice -
In 1997, the Ottawa Organizational Effectiveness Interest Group (OEIG) Book Study Group discussed the article, "The People are the Company" from Fast Company - Handbook of the Revolution. "Communities of Practice" are a central theme in the article. We've created a permanent reference for OEIG with the article and some other sources of related information for anyone interested in the subject. Communities of Practice - References Communities of Practice Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System CoPs eGroup - Discussion forum - Drafts, working papers, links, and other goodies are shared here. Collective learning and collective memory What Should Collaborative Technology Be? A Perspective From Dewey and Situated Learning Metro Insight: Softwork More Communities of Practices Links

[1:18 PM | wl | permalink

Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier by Etienne C. Wenger and William M. Snyder
A new organizational form is emerging in companies that run on knowledge: the community of practice. And for this expanding universe of companies, communities of practice promise to radically galvanize knowledge sharing, learning, and change. A community of practice is a group of people informally bound together by shared expertise and passion for a joint enterprise. People in companies form them for a variety of reasons -- to maintain connections with peers when the company reorganizes; to respond to external changes such as the rise of e-commerce; or to meet new challenges when the company changes strategy. Regardless of the circumstances that give rise to communities of practice, their members inevitably share knowledge in free-flowing, creative ways that foster new approaches to problems. Over the past five years, the authors have seen communities of practice improve performance at companies as diverse as an international bank, a major car manufacturer, and a U.S. government agency. Communities of practice can drive strategy, generate new lines of business, solve problems, promote the spread of best practices, develop people's skills, and help companies recruit and retain talent. The paradox of such communities is that although they are self-organizing and thus resistant to supervision ..."

[1:01 PM | wl | permalink

Communities of Practice Books - TCM's HR Bookstore Human Resources CoPs (Communities of Practice) Books

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Article - Communities of Practice (Learning and work as social activities)
by David Stamps associate editor of TRAINING Magazine. Copyright © 1999 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Learning is social. Training is irrelevant? As the end of a century draws near, the air is sure to thicken with prophecies about the future, including the future of work. The "knowledge worker" will be a favorite topic of management soothsaying; so will "the learning organization." But for a clear vision of how learning should happen in a business setting, you need only talk to Dede Miller, a customer service representative for Xerox Corp. For two years she was treated to a tantalizing glimpse of the future. Today she finds herself wishing she could go back to it. To know her story is to understand just how wide a gap still separates learning theory and common training practice - and how hard it will be to apply new approaches to workplace training, even those that make incontestable sense.

[12:51 PM | wl | permalink

Internet addiction report
URL:s These are the ones that are most interesting in my opinion. More can be found by exploring the collections of links within these sites. These links are not in order of my preference. I drew the line at twenty links, since I think any sane person will find this is enough to read.
useful list of urls.

[9:59 AM | wl | permalink

The Making of a Virtual Professor Richard B. Kettner-Polley Professor of Business Administration International School of Information Management University
ABSTRACT The role of the professor is changing dramatically. Lectures endure despite the fact that they were outmoded as soon as books became readily available to students. This is a case study in the transformation of one traditional professor into a virtual professor. On one level this is only one person’s story. On another level it is a sign of the times. Jorge Klor de Alva’s choice to leave one of the most prestigious universities in the country for the University of Phoenix is a signal event. Traditional academia will change, and it is the quiet transformation of traditional professors into virtual professors that tells the true story behind this revolution.

[1:00 AM | wl | permalink

Welcome to Tutors-Online! Online courses, training, development and course design
Tutors-Online offers you a number of online courses, with more being added regularly. Visit our current course listing, find out about our featured courses or enrol in a course. If you've never tried online learning before, why not take our demonstration course now - it will only take 5 minutes! Does your institution or corporation have courses and training material you would like to make available on the Internet or your Intranet? Take our Course in On-Line Teaching, or let us do everything for you.

[12:27 AM | wl | permalink

Monday, September 18, 2000

Online Learning Resources

Just added some links which could do with some more annotation, so if you have comments let me know!

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The Chronicle of Higher Education: Distance Education

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distance education, online learning, elearing bibliography references!

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UMUC-Bell Atlantic Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology
Welcome to the UMUC-Bell Atlantic Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology. Module 1 provides resources for use in the selection of appropriate media to accomplish specific learning objectives. Module 2 provides resources for faculty using technology in research assignments, small group projects, and discussions to encourage activity.

[6:13 PM | wl | permalink Central
Welcome to the web's number one resource for information on distance learning, provided by John Bear, Ph.D., author of the long-time best-selling Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees Nontraditionally. Distance learning is a booming field: More and more schools are making it possible for people to get the degree they want or need without ever setting foot on a college campus. It can also be a baffling field, fraught with misinformation, false expectations, complexities such as accreditation, and outright dangers such as diploma mills. is here to help make distance learning less baffling and more booming. We're here to demystify accreditation, identify diploma mills, report on the latest developments in the industry, and, most importantly, help distance learners and good distance learning schools to find each other.

[6:10 PM | wl | permalink

DLRN -- For Educators "Designing Instruction for Web-Based Distance Learning"
Would you like to know more about online teaching and learning? Are you interested in teaching a class via the Web or turning your existing class into an online course? If you answered yes to these questions, the Distance Learning Resource Network’s "Designing Instruction for Web-Based Distance Learning" is for you. This guide will help you design a course or materials for the Web or convert an existing course into an online course. These scenarios raise many issues and questions that we hope this guide and its activities will address. One of the main issues distance education instructors face is how the impact of teaching a course on the Internet changes the interaction between student and teacher, as well as between student and student. We hope that completion of this course will lead to satisfying, new teaching experiences for you and success in creating a dynamic, interactive Web-based learning experience.

[6:04 PM | wl | permalink

Saturday, September 16, 2000

SmartNet 2000 Programme Theme : Making It Happen in the Knowledge Economy.

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Friday, September 15, 2000

Judith Anderson While on the subject of art, I was intrigued by the images here...

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Thursday, September 14, 2000

Artchive I would have a huge screen on the wall and a net connection just to see this site all day!

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Web.Studies, first chapter, by David Gauntlett
"PART II: WEB LIFE, ARTS AND CULTURE 4. A Home on the Web: Presentations of Self on Personal Homepages Charles Cheung 5. Creating On-line Fan Communities Kirsten Pullen 6. Artists' Websites: Declarations of Identity and Presentations of Self Eva Pariser 7. Webcam Women: Life on Your Screen Donald Snyder 8. Queer 'n' Asian on - and off - the Net: The Role of Cyberspace in Queer Taiwan and Korea Chris Berry and Fran Martin 9. The Web goes to the pictures David Gauntlett 10. The Teacher Review debate -Teacher Review: Just what the internet was made for Ryan Lathouwers and Amy Happ -Teacher Review: The Dark Side of the Internet Daniel Curzon-Brown"
The first chapter and probably the whole book broad overview saying what we already know. Yet these basic things do need to be said and said well, this book may do that. The section & headings quoted above may be useful to generate some playful surfing. What is the *Dark Side of the Internet*, porn? this is the obvious answer but that to me is the dark side on the Internet, what is the dark side *of* it? I'll see what there is on Daniel Curzon-Brown.

[10:07 AM | wl | permalink

Tuesday, September 12, 2000   We Subtract the Ads!
"Internet Ads:
  • Slow down web surfing
  • Distract you with screen clutter
  • Endanger your online Privacy"
And they are ugly. Is this a sacred place? At least it needs to be aesthetic! Several years ago I bought this program after having it on a month free trial. I've used it ever since. I am often shocked when I look at other people as they surf. It is so distracting and ugly. A one off fee fixes it. OK it might sound like an ad as I write, but it is a plea for aesthetics and I have no financial interest in the product at all. There may be others as good, but this one has workrd without a glitch.

[6:41 PM | wl | permalink

Search the CDL Directory
The CDL Directory includes records for electronic journal titles, databases, archival finding aids and reference texts. You can re-try your search in the CDL Directory below, or you can automatically send your search into another search system.
Talking about libraries here is access to the academic type.

[1:38 AM | wl | permalink

Entrez-PubMed Mind-Body Dualism and the Biopsychosocial Model of Pain: What Did Descartes Really Say? Found this using Searchlite (see next item, above). More on Psyche and Libraries Been thinking about what I wrote about Amazon being Alexandria. It is not quite right, the whole Net is the new Alexandria. And I doubt the future is corporate. XML plus peer-to-peer sharing means literature and texts of all kinds will be "free" like music is now. However *right now*, and that is all there is, there is nothing like Amazon, and it may be like that for a while yet. Memory is something of a seat of the soul, and computer memory is in the same class. All of our written words our *written traditions* are what the Maori call whakapapa. Our ancestors and their stories have a spititual quality - in a library these spirits are all around us - the library is a sacred place.

[1:28 AM | wl | permalink

Monday, September 11, 2000

The Psychological Meaning of Internet Privacy Some news clips and then some musings from me. Groups Criticize Amazon Policy By D. IAN HOPPER, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP)
"Consumer groups say a change in's privacy policy could leave customers of the Internet retailing giant no recourse if they don't want personal information such as credit card numbers and home addresses passed on to some other company. Seattle-based Inc., which sells a wide range of products, including books, toys and hardware, posted a revised privacy policy on its Web site Thursday telling customers the information they give is considered a company asset that can be sold. A company spokeswoman, Patty Smith, said the new policy is actually more restrictive in some cases, and better explains what Amazon can and cannot do with customer data. ``As we continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy stores or assets,'' the new policy reads. ``In such transactions, customer information generally is one of the transferred business assets.''
No. 3.6 . The Filter. 9.08.00 from Harvard at has a section on this... they say:
"Now, in the wake of a decision by the Massachusetts Bankruptcy Court overseeing the ToysMart case not to consider its agreement with the FTC in the absence of a buyer for ToysMart's assets, leading e-tailer has introduced modifications to its privacy policy making it clear that Amazon customers' personal data is considered a company asset and can therefore legitimately be shared with Amazon's growing cadre of corporate partners—or, if need be,sold."
The question of privacy is and will be debated from a legal, political and social perspective. From a psychological perspective what is happening as Amazon changes policy? A lot. First Some thoughts about Amazon . This is a super Alexandria - and an Amazon customer is a scholar in the greatest library ever, so what happens as we access this database of books in print? It is not only a library it is a huge many-to-many discussion about books. Yet the networks of people here is not social - "I learn that people who bought this also bought this" - that is a psychometric or psychological revelation. I can look at reviewers and their profiles, meet them, see what is on their wish list and in their "purchase circle" and move to the website of fan clubs and authors. This is not like meeting people in a physical bookstore - here we read their minds - we enter into a mind-space. We find books without the help of librarians, but with each other in systems of automated and non-automated collaboration that runs deep. Because this library will work best if there is only *one* people flock to the biggest, where they find the most. Perhaps it is sad that this is a store, and a commercial, corporate, capitalist place - that is not unlike many universities - there is no class neutrality when it comes to learning. With immunity to the Orwellian nightmare inherent in the inherent impact of the words: knowledge about the customers is called an asset. That knowledge of the scholars in this modern Alexandria is the very thing that is used to tune the scholars into the information using automated collaborative filtering or psychometry as Moreno would have called it. It would seem a marvelous virtue if it was *one librarian* who had the knowledge about the scholars. This virtue becomes scary in the panopticon. As individuals we are not able to learn, learning is in relationship with others, always. These relationships are so vital that we will seek them out wherever they work best - even if we have to be humiliated by being seen as a "user, a customer, and an asset". Can the impulse to seek the purest collaborative knowing be stronger than any companies ability to exploit that need for its own greed? Can our collective spirit and soul transcend the ugliness of some of the culture invading the Net?

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Sunday, September 10, 2000

GroupSense - Planning for Online Learning
"The Internet, on the other hand provides a flexible means of presenting content and also supports interaction between teacher and learners and among learners in groups. This is fuelling an explosion in the delivery of courses online. The September/October 1998 edition of Group Computing reports that in late 1997, there were 7,000,000 students taking distance learning courses from higher-education institutions"
This quote is from an article by Dan - sums up the GS approach to Online learning, and covers the basics - is valuable because it *is* basic.

[12:24 AM | wl | permalink

Saturday, September 09, 2000

GroupSense Online Groups Home
"Online Groups enable people to work, learn and build shared knowledge-bases together at their own time, their own place and their own pace. Online Groups foster and facilitate innovation, learning, collaboration and knowledge-sharing. GroupSense partners with organisations to establish self-sustaining Online Groups that achieve specific purposes. Online Groups use simple technology that requires only standard email. GroupSense provides Planning, Design, Training and Hosting to establish Participation Habits that maximise the value of each Online Group."
This is my friend & colleague Dan Randow's site. Business is thriving, and I am pleased to be working with the team as a part time consultant. I have been in on discussions and planning from the start but only this year have I begun to work professionally, as a host. The GroupSense approach makes sense - it is essential to work with *people first*, it is only from knowing people and the organisation that we can design the group structure and format.

[11:07 PM | wl | permalink

Friday, September 08, 2000

Full Circle Associates: Online Community Resources Nancy White's list of resources. Here are the categories:
"Index - see below for specific links. Online Community - General and Nancy's Musings - Some of these are just beginnings of ideas, waiting to germinate. - Articles and Events - Online Community Design Resources - Online Facilitation and Hosting - Virtual Teams/Remote Work - Online Community Software and Web Based Platforms - Cyber Activism, Cyber Democracy, Community Networks and Advocacy (I know, odd mix. Things emerge...) - Cyberculture Resources - Cybercommunications Resources - Some of my Community Sites - Online Community-related Listservs and Newsletters - Full Circle BookShelf - always a few related books here. - MORE!! Online Community Links"

[1:26 AM | wl | permalink

Thursday, September 07, 2000

Online Therapy Articles
These articles are all related to online therapy. Considered a rapidly growing field, online therapy has been subject to controversy. While some professionals argue that the face-to-face therapy relationship cannot be duplicated online and worry about ethical standards, others argue that the Internet offers new ways of reaching people.
More from the Catalyst site, useful items here. Thanks Richard

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Catalyst - Computers in Psychology ( Cyberpsychology )
"The Net's most comprehensive info on computers in psychology" This is a site run by Richard Davis and it is comprehensive! I just subbed to the newsletter. Will make seprate items for some of the files I find interesting.

[1:22 AM | wl | permalink

Therapy over the Internet?
Theory, Research & Finances

J. Vicky Laszlo, MSW, Gail Esterman, MSW & Sherri Zabko, MA, MSW Copyright May, 1999
Extensive lit review, and academic overview.

[1:07 AM | wl | permalink

Wednesday, September 06, 2000

The Declaration of Independence: Transcription Just in case you want this for something! How about this: Gettysburg Address

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books logo

Books - Psyberspace and Groupwork Online This is a page in my Books section - I've been seriously surfing the books on psyche and cyberpace. There are a pile of interesting books here, all compulsory reading or skimming! as part of my "exploration of the psyche in cyberspace".

[6:45 PM | wl | permalink

Tuesday, September 05, 2000

Apollo Home Page
"Welcome to the Apollo Home Page The purpose of the Apollo Page, named after the god of music, law and medicine, is to bring together resources for anyone interested in the philosophy of the arts of the imagination, ranging from ancient philosophies of all cultures to modern theories of the imagination and hermeneutics. Its central themes will be metaphysics, myth, poetics and music and their place in civilization."

This page is created by Joseph Milne, has links to such things as:

Orpheus & Ficino - Link to Orpheus Web Page
Eckhart and the Question of Human Nature (PDF format)
Teilhard de Chardin: The Spiritualisation of the UniverseThis file is Chapter 6 of the Joseph Milne's doctoral thesis and is copyright 2000

Joseph Milne is also moderator of the Ontos Discussion Group:

[12:10 PM | wl | permalink

Project Gutenberg at Sailor A phenomenon.

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Community Building on the Web:Companion Siteby Amy Jo Kim 8/29/00 -- online seminar by Amy Jo Kim Click here to see-and-hear the transcript (requires Windows Media Player)

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tibor kalman :: june 1998 Find the cracks in the wall

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Jacob Neilson Cookies I thought this was funny! Nice site.

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How is it looking? I've been working on getting this weblog to look right, for me at least. I think it is getting there. It is nice to use. Have just added the "Spyonit" above. You can tell it to look for some particular prase, or let it notify you anytime there is a change - by email - or WAP or pager etc. Let me know what you think.

[2:04 AM | wl | permalink

Monday, September 04, 2000

Daimon Publications

Spring 54 - 1993 - Reality
Articles by James Hillman, Wolfgang Giegerich, David L. Miller, and Edward Casey

The subject that turned the 1992 Notre Dame Festival of Archetypal Psychology into a brawl! Spring 54 prints the paper: Giegerich on "Killings," Miller on "Animadversions," Casey on "Place." Plus Protestant Reality, Sonu Shamdasani on Automatic Writing, Hillman's "Blue Note," and more.
I ordered it. It looks right on topic for - Keywords: psyberspace work.

[10:58 PM | wl | permalink

Transhumanist Terminology
"This page is based on the Lextropicon by Max More, and contains definitions and explanations of various neologisms, technical terms and transhumanist jargon (plus some terms from other areas commonly used)."
keyword: psyborg

[1:28 PM | wl | permalink

Home Page Architecture: Social Psychological Principles by Leon James in Hawaii More from professor James - good on "place"... "My Home Page is my other house. It sits in cyberspace. I had a difficult time explaining why I call a bunch of computer files on my drive by the name of "my house" or "my home." He had a bunch of folders and files on his computer and he didn't see why he should call this his house. Well, that's not it. I don't use the term "my home" for just any bunch of computer files around. But these particular files are connected to the Internet. This means that millions of people could look at them, at any time, and read them, or copy them to their own computer. In fact any navigator in cyberspace who lands on your Home Page can copy them at the flick of the mouse. For all I know my Home Page, or sections thereof, can have thousands of duplicates of itself all around the world."

[1:23 PM | wl | permalink

Cyberpsychology: Principles of Creating Virtual Presence by Leon James in Hawaii The teacher - the student linked to below. Lots of psyberspacy stuff here!

[1:17 PM | wl | permalink

The Religion of Technology : The Divinity of Man and the Spirit of Invention by David F. Noble

The Amazon site it worth it for the reviews. See also: the review by John McLaughlin, which begins:

"In a recent review for the online journal Kairos, I referred to Ray Kurzweil's The Age of Spiritual Machines as a brilliant book "with a hole in the middle." That hole was the lack of any extended discussion of the concept of spirituality, in the context of nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and photon-based computing, Kurzweil's actual subjects. What could "spirituality" mean in such a context?"

[1:04 PM | wl | permalink

Books of the Month -- Index "September 2000 David Bunnell, Making the Cisco Connection: The Story Behind the Real Internet Superpower. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000. Reviewed by Derek Van Ittersum. Zillah Eisenstein, Global Obscenities: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and the Lure of Cyberfantasy. New York: NYU Press, 1998. Reviewed by Rebecca Zorach, Edrie Sobstyl, and Katrien Jacobs. David F. Noble, The Religion of Technology: The Divinity of Man and the Spirit of Invention. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997 (hardcover); Penguin Books, 1999 (paperback, with new Preface). Reviewed by John McLaughlin." This is the link to the book of the month mentioned in the previous item (below) - this is the no frames link!

[12:42 PM | wl | permalink

Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies "The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies is an online, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to research, study, teach, support, and create diverse and dynamic elements of cyberculture. Collaborative in nature, RCCS seeks to establish and support ongoing conversations about the emerging field, to foster a community of students, scholars, teachers, explorers, and builders of cyberculture, and to showcase various models, works-in-progress, and on-line projects." This is a good resource - I have looked at the Book of he month page for years, but did not know what site it was on.

[12:36 PM | wl | permalink

Getting Hold of Cyber-Psychology by Kyle Kaneshiro, G10, Fall98, University of Hawaii Links to Cyber-Psychology related pages on the web. Looks like a student assignment and a good one! has links to some good papers on psyberspace

[12:28 PM | wl | permalink

Sunday, September 03, 2000

Psybernet Books

Original Self : Living With Paradox and Authenticity
- by Thomas Moore, Joan Hanley (Illustrator)

Original Self

Listen to Thomas Moore Talk about this book on New Dimensions. Might be good if you are going through some sort of crisis :)

[11:40 PM | wl | permalink

Cyber English ® A swag of interesting links here: See and Read: Teaching Writing in a Web Based Classroom: A Case Study of Ted Nellen's "Cyber English Class" by Liz Cushman Brandjes Education and Community: Telementoring Research Mentoring and the Internet Email Mentoring: Limitless Learning O.K., Schools Are Wired. Now What? NYTimes, January, 9, 2000. What I Did on My Summer Vacation NYTimes August 5, 1999 Popular Teachers Become Pipeline to Corporations NYTimes August 5, 1999 Wired Libraries for All 7-9-99 Virtual Youth: Computer Club started by Cyber English scholars. 10.4.98 Hyper-Lit electronic school online June 98 HP Telementoring News Nov 97 Manhattan English Classroom Expands as Volunteers Adopt-A-Student Online CyberTimes June 6, 1997. in Christian Science Monitor May 22, 1997 June 24, 1996, in Digital Metropolis of The New York Times about us in The New York Times. April 24, 1996

[12:54 PM | wl | permalink

Psybernet Books
BOOKS listed here are related and relevant to Psybernet. They are linked to Amazon.

[2:25 AM | wl | permalink


[2:06 AM | wl | permalink

More tests - formatting - now? - now? again! Surely! Almost.

[1:08 AM | wl | permalink

eGroups I hate the ads - especially now they are on top of the emails - but this must still be the path to the future of groups online. Is there a more public or open source alternative?

[12:17 AM | wl | permalink

Saturday, September 02, 2000

BLOGGER - How To - The Big FAQ

[11:13 PM | wl | permalink

Writing Index My writing. I have updated this page a little, more to go soon!

[10:56 PM | wl | permalink

Online Psychotherapy with Walter Logeman This will soon not be here but have a new URL

[10:04 PM | wl | permalink

Me! wl

[7:29 PM | wl | permalink

Certificate in Online Teaching and Learning FALL QUARTER 2000 September 21 - December 1, 2000 EDUI 6701 Introduction to Online Teaching & Learning Instructors: Bob George September 21 - October 27 Registration deadline: September 18 Fee: $595.00 (4.5 units) EDUI 6702 Teaching Models for Online Instruction Instructor: Emily Thiroux October 30 - December 1 Registration deadline:October 26 Fee: $595.00 (4.5 units) EDUI 6703 Technology Tools for Online Instruction Instructor: Debbie Fields, Hank Duderstadt September 21 - October 27 Registration deadline: September 18 Fee: $595.00 (4.5 units) EDUI 6704 Designing Curriculum for Online Instruction Instructor: Bill Hopkinson October 30 - December 1 Registration deadline:October 26 Fee: $595.00 (4.5 units)

[7:16 PM | wl | permalink


[6:57 PM | wl | permalink

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