11 December, 1999 Walter Logemen, intro I have several occasions at present where I want to introduce myself. Here is a general statement about me, which I hope will lead to others reading this posting to learning something about themselves -- as well as me -- and especially lead one or two to the Psybernet pages, and the Psybernet Mailing List. Background I am a psychotherapist in private practice, I have a background in teaching and social work. My therapeutic training is in psychodrama and I have an interest in Jung. I am 55. I live with my wife, Kate. We have lived together since 1991, and married in 1998. My son Daniel (aka Josh On) (27) is on what started as a working holiday, now in London at the Royal College of Art, doing Computer related Design. I ski, rock climb and tramp (Hiking?). I love books, movies and online groups. This latter interest has led me to become deeply engrossed in a project called Psybernet, exploring the soul of cyberspace. Currently . . . I am enjoying the beginning of summer and looking forward to weeks of holiday at Mt. Lyford, where we have a holiday home. I am facilitating a Dream Event -- using email and the WWW. This is a "list" but unlike most will have a planned closure, We are using the Glass Bead Game model developed by Charles to look at the group dynamics and our dreams. My place on the tree of ideas: I see the realm of cyberspace as an inherently psychological medium. The idea is that cyberspace can only be described through metaphor, and that brings us directly into the world of the psyche, via "art" of some sort. However we are not 'free' to describe it in any way we like, that while it has no reality other than though metaphor, that is a powerful reality! I am interested in evolution, and for that reason watch with interest the software wars and the development of the Net, for survival in the world. For example I am interested in how Linux might challenge Microsoft to dominate the web and wonder if this could be revolutionary! I wonder how even these technical matters impact on our unconscious processes. I am all for depth in a world of width, and see my Psybernet project as a well into the deep and meaningful. Is there meaning in the in the width of the WWW. I have had many years of practising psychodrama, however I am looking for a way of practising group and individual psychotherapy that is not so "modality driven", for quite a while I felt a little lost, between ideologies, recently I seem to be able to seek more of a sense of purpose that is specifically mine, and related to my own unfolding alone. Busy with the following, in addition to a full time individual and couple psychotherapy practice: I am active in the Psybernet Mailing List. I am a member of Howard Rheingold's Brainstorms, I am reading, or leafing through, McLuhan, Hillman, Freud, Jung. Recently enjoyed Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon and Robertson Davies. I am listening to Dylan, Peter Green, Tom Waites, Cassandra Wilson. That is me! Walter. First posted in 1995 and updated a few times