== Psyber-L: A Psybernet Mailing List == == Description & Information == Updated: 29 March 2002 In this file you will find the following: = DESCRIPTION = = Purpose = = Networking = = Psyber-L Settings = = Listowner & Host = = Guidelines for Psyber-L Members = = How to send your posts to Psyber-L = = Psyber-L Web Interface = = Mail Management = = INFORMATION = = Subscribe and Unsubscribe to Psyber-L: = The Psybernet Web Pages = = Access to Psyber-L Files via Email = = DESCRIPTION = Since its begginnings Psyber-L Mailinglist has gone through some changes. Psybernet was formed in 1993 to offer professional psychological services on the Internet. The Psyber-L mailing list grew out of the need to learn more about and experience first hand the potential of the net, especially how online group interaction effects the psyche. Psyber-L is a starting point for depth psychological work on the net, and also a place for exploring and defining its directions. = Purpose = The purpose of Psyber-L is to learn experientially about the psyche in cyberspace. As all online discussion contributes to the unfolding of the psyche a wide range of topics is suitable. Participants are encouraged to make posts about the process and how the psyche manifests and can be nurtured in cyberspace. The comment and learning is not kept separate from the discussion, it forms an integral part of it. The list is an environment in which its participants can experiment and learn from experience about the scope of online interaction for ethical psychological depth work. Psyber-L is forum for individual experiential research, it is requested that the list is not used for academic or other research. To give a sense of the intended direction of the discussions, here is a sampling of topics that have been, and continue to be discussed on the list. There is a continued focus on how these psychological phenomena relate to cyberspace: depth psychology leadership in communication networks creating communication environments gender issues imagination metaphors archetypes dreams myths personal identity psychotherapy the unconscious group dynamics. Etiquette, ethos and ethics of the list have an impact on the psychological nature of it, and hence are suitable topics for discussion in the list. Below in the Information section of this file you will find links to the key people and ideas that inspire the work of this list. These files are mentioned to give you a sense of the scope of Psyber-L. = Networking = Relationships of a collegial nature around our psychological net interests is an important part of the work. This has developed to the point where, at times, there is a sense of community building. The value, direction and purpose of the emerging connections are suitable topics for discussion. = Psyber-L Settings = The parameters of the list are set by the list owner, any changes to the settings will be clearly notified in the list. Current settings: * Psyber-L membership is monitored by the Listowner. Please use your real name. Prospective members are asked to be familiar with this file, Psyber-L.Descript, and to indicate their interest in Psyber-L. * The list is unmoderated, in the sense that all messages are instantly posted, and not previewed in any way. With discretion the listowner can review posts, this would not be done without notification of the person(s) concerned. * Archives: Note that everything you say on Psyber-L will be in a permanent archive and will not be removed once posted. The archive is available to members only. * The list of members can be requested by members only. Concealment on this list is not an option. * The list is set to filter out attachments. = Listowner & Host = The list is "owned" by Walter Logeman, that's me. I am a psychotherapist in private practice in Christchurch, New Zealand and the founder of the Psybernet project. I pay for the means of its existence, and I have access to change the settings. I am responsible for this Psyber-L.Descript file the INFO and WELCOME files that define Psyber-L. I can change these files at any time, however I only do so with discussion and notification in Psyber-L. I am the "Host", in that role I introduce new members and ensure we have an environment conducive to the purpose of Psyber-L. I am a participant in the discussions. How I juggle the three roles: Listowner, Host and Participant may have a profound impact on the psychological life of Psyber-L. Discussion of the listowner, host and other roles and styles is an important aspect of learning about the psyche. I may be absent at times, and there is no guarantee I will read every post immediately. I rarely enter into extended discussion outside the list about matters that could be discussed in the list. However, please note: Should there be matters that you consider require the attention of the Listowner, matters that simply writing to the list will not achieve, please send a cc to me or email me directly. I give personal email a priority and there are times it is important I am involved as Listowner. = Guidelines for Psyber-L members = * Personal attacks or threats are not welcome. * Ownership of your words: In Psyber-L your words remain your property. Please do not use other people's posts outside the list without their permission. If the writer can not be contacted discuss permission with the Listowner. Please notify the Listowner if material is to be used off-list. * Topics: Feel free to start a new topic. This is done by using a new Subject: line in your posts. It is best if they relate to the purpose of the list, however it is very broad. * Privacy: Normally private emails are not to be quoted in Psyber-L without permission from the writer. * Quoting: Please keep quoting from earlier emails (using the > sign) to a minimum. Quote enough to put your response in context. Please do not use more than two generations of quoting (>>). * Please send all posts in plain text, without attachments. The server software has been set to filter attachments, including HTML attachments generated by some email programs. * If you are setting out text for a graphical effect or as a table please use a fixed pitch font such as Courier New, 10pt * Netiquette: If you are not familiar with the basics of etiquette on the Internet please check out or ask in Psyber-L. = How to send your posts to Psyber-L = To send an email that will be distributed to the list send it to: psyber-l@yahoogroups.com = Psyber-L Web Interface = http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psyber-l/ Psyber-L has a useful interface on the web. You can read all the posts, write new ones or reply. You can also change your settings there. There is an excellent search facility which means Psyber-L is an extensive knowledge base. Note that if you are away from your own machine you can still access the list on anyone's computer, although there are some instructions to follow for security. You can participate fully via the web and not use email at all by setting the list to web only. = Mail Management = Sometimes the list has many posts each day. To keep track of the discussions it is recommended that you file the posts in a mail folder you create for Psyber-L. I recommend you create a filter to automatically move the mail into the Psyber-L folder as it arrives. You receive copies of the posts you make, this is also something you can change. = INFORMATION = = Subscribe and Unsubscribe to Psyber-L: = Send an email to: psyber-l-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To leave Psyber-L, send an email to: psyber-l-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com ~~~ Subscription can be made from the Web at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psyber-l.html You can also monitor all your setting from there. = The Psybernet Web Pages = http://www.psybernet.co.nz You will see a mini verssion of the Psybernet Motif. You can then click on through to find files on the history and on Key Ideas and Key People that will give an indication of the ethos of Psyber-L. Psyber-L has its own page there which has links to some of the files mentioned here. http://www.psybernet.co.nz/group/psyber-l.htm = Access to Psyber-L Files on the Web = There is a Files area at Yahoo http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/psyber-l/files This file is there and members can also post files. ~~~ If you have a problem with the Psyber-L list, contact Walter Logeman walter@psybernet.co.nz